branding & identity development

Tula’s identity was designed to reflect values that
reflected a rare, simplified, contextualised and
distilled way of life, anchored in the present.
‘Tula’ means cotton in Bengali; light or precious gift in Greek, and in Hindi, the 7th sign of the zodiac, Libra —
the sign of balance.
We wanted to reflect the Indian characteristics while retaining its global sensibilities — thereby building a balance or equilibrium between function and beauty; craft and design; India and the world.

The brand identity aims to reflect every aspect of the word Tula in a harmonious and unique way — the notions of balance and equilibrium, through symmetry and simple lines.
The above was, as a whole, captured in the logo mark. Two simple forms — two dots and a line, coming together to showcase the sense of balance.

The Tula logotype was developed using Kalice,
paired with RM Neue.

The logomark equation of two lines and a dot was then manoeuvred to showcase possible brand collaborations

Why not
play along?
Take the stage and build your own composition — just move the lines and dots below around.